Compliments are some of the easiest but rewarding things you can offer those you love. When you share a compliment with someone, it can make that person feel better, especially after having a bad day. It can increase a person’s self-esteem. It can make a person feel good, and that can last through the rest of their day.

If you want to pass on this great feeling, then find something nice to say to a friend, a coworker, or even a stranger. Numerous benefits come from giving and receiving compliments. On day five of the days of service challenge, consider complimenting someone. They are great because they make people feel good, and they’re absolutely free to give.

There are times where we forget how far a compliment can go. Telling a person how good they look when they are having a bad day, how loved they are when they feel like love is missing, or how well they did on a presentation when they lacked confidence is a surefire way to make them feel better. It is good for the person who is receiving them and the person who is giving them out as well. If we take the time to go out of our way to praise someone else, it will build up their self-confidence. A genuine compliment can boost self-esteem while also reminding a person how much they are admired by the people who are around them.

During the holidays, consider giving someone you love one compliment each day. This can include your gratitude for something they do, saying something positive about something they are wearing, or something encouraging about their personality and how it makes a difference in your life. Yearend can be a stressful time for those who are working in a tough job or for people who have a ton of responsibility on their plates. Compliments are also great to offer to a stranger. Try complimenting someone you’ve met for the first time when you’re standing in a coffee shop or holding the door open for someone, and watch their face brighten up when you offer that compliment to them. One small compliment can make a difference and make them feel as though the day is worth continuing to push through. Are you up for the challenge?

Every day is a new opportunity to #LightTheWorld. Visit for more service ideas.

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