@annegrahamlotz / Instagram

“I could hear the clear whisper of the Spirit,” she said.

Anne Graham Lotz, evangelist and daughter of the late Billy Graham, believes God has healed her from breast cancer.

Lotz says that she will be having her last cancer treatment in the coming week. According to the Christian Post, Lotz shared on her blog that she believes that God has healed her from her cancer after completing her seventh round of chemotherapy which will be ending her treatment.

Lotz shared, “While praying with my two daughters following my fifth chemo treatment, God seemed to indicate He had healed me. Cleansed me.  Removed cancer from me.”

She said the numbers after her sixth treatment were “remarkably good.”

“I began questioning whether or not I should continue chemo if, in fact, I was already healed. The weakness and weariness have been debilitating. The side-effects have been daunting. I did not want to continue treatments if they were unnecessary. One morning I decided to pray specifically, asking God to confirm from His Word whether or not I was to continue chemo treatments if I was already healed,” Lotz said.

After sitting for hours in prayer, Lotz shared that her daughter Rachel-Ruth came over and shared Scripture that she felt God was speaking into her heart.

Lotz said, “She shared some of her insights from 2 Kings 5 that she was to teach her Bible class that week. She related the story of the Syrian general, Naaman, who had leprosy.

She said the story now exemplifies her life. She said, Naaman “did not want to submit himself to the ‘side effects’ of muck and mud. But at his servant’s urging, Naaman did dip in the Jordan. When he came up the seven time, he was healed! The seventh time! And I could hear the clear whisper of the Spirit, answering my prayer, confirming that I was to continue chemo,,,my next and last full treatment would be my seventh time!”

Graham shared that she had been diagnosed with cancer last September. She has trusted God every step of the way and believed in His promises.

“Each day since the diagnoses God has given me promises and encouragement from His Word. God has been…and is…my refuge and strength, and ever-present help in this trouble. Therefore, I will not fear,” she said.

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