Actor Dean Cain stopped by the Beliefnet offices recently to tell us about a couple of movies he’s been working on: The Way Home and Pure Country II: The Gift.

Thumbnail image for LS_and_Dean_Kane.jpgHe is a lovely person. Very kind and caring, devoted to his ten year old son, and also to helping kids around the world through Feed the Children and other humanitarian organizations.

We found him to be a truly super guy.

You can read my full interview with Dean on This post is about a special project that he wanted me to share with Beliefnetters.

Pure Country II is a story that he co-wrote with his father, director Christopher Cain.  It is about a young girl who is given the gift of true talent and to maintain her special gift and to have fame, she must follow three rules. He explains the story.

“So the angels are up in heaven and they’ve got this wonderful gift. It’s this great big voice and they find the right person to send it to. It goes into the mouth of this little baby girl who’s mother dies during childbirth.”

“She’s raised by her aunt Ella, in sort of the gospel south. She’s this little blond girl raised by her African American aunt Ella so she sticks out in this full gospel choir singing with this great big voice.”

“Ella keeps repeating a mantra to her, to live her life a certain way which is never lie, always be fair and never go back on your word. She explains to her that with this great gift comes great responsibility.

“The young girl finally gets out of the little tiny town they live in and says I’m going to go to Nashville make it as a big star. She goes but she has to compromise her values a little bit and break these rules. She finally climbs the ladder of success but breaks these three rules and then loses her voice and then has to redeem herself and find another way to sing without this great gift–and she does.” 

“Ella dies during this and we see her again as one of the angels–and we realize that she has been all of the time–and she sends the voice back down. This is where the water works come in.”

“It’s pretty uplifting and it’s light-hearted and great if you like country music. It’s really musically driven.

Look for the film in limited release–Dallas, Houston, Nashville, and Oklahoma City.  Dean Cain plays the director of one of the music videos in the film. 

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