Idol Chatter

I liked “Blood Diamond” for a lot of little reasons and one big one. I liked it because Leonardo DiCaprio seemed more like a man’s man–or at least an adult–than he did as Howard Hughes in “The Aviator” or other adults he’s tried to play. I liked it because I like the inspiring and believable…

December 25 may be the day that all Christian boys and girls wait all year for, but for Jews, celebrating Christmas often takes a different approach, which often includes some or all of the following elements: 1) Stand-up comedy, featuring Jewish comedians from different backgrounds and billed as “kosher comedy”2) Chinese food (not necessarily kosher);3)…

Only two months after 20th Century Fox announced plans to aggressively target the Christian market with a new FoxFaith label, the Weinstein Company–whose predecessor, Miramax, produced such edgy fare as “Fargo”–has announced that they will also create a faith-based movie label. The Weinstein Company is not, at this time anyway, creating their own faith-themed entertainment,…

One man is chosen as a sacrifice to suffer unbelievable torture to save others. That’s one way to sum up Mel Gibson’s work in “Braveheart,” “The Passion,” and now Gibson’s latest effort, the Mayan action-adventure film “Apocalypto.” “Apocalypto”–which follows a young warrior, Jaguar Paw, through the dangerous Mexican jungles as he saves his family and…

Mel Gibson’s “Apocalypto” is a story about pagan Mayan Indians who offer ghastly human sacrifice to their gods, hunt tapirs to bloody deaths, and fill their leisure hours playing bawdy practical jokes on each other. It is also a deeply Christian movie, as devotional in its own way as “The Passion of the Christ,” and…

Full disclosure: I have run to the top of the steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, extended my arms, and bounced on my toes while da-da-dah-ing “Gonna Fly Now,” the theme to “Rocky.” I felt ridiculous and, yes, exhilarated, but not for a second was I mindful of Christ’s victory over death on the…

Paris Hilton was plagued last year by the wide-spread internet distribution of a private video, as was Pamela Anderson more than 10 years ago. But while these actors (if you can call them actors) faced humiliation, the loss of privacy, and being the butt of numerous jokes, it’s nothing like what Sahra Amir Ebrahimi is…

A funny (if somewhat low-blow) fake movie trailer from SNL explains what those Mayans are really saying:

The wonderful payoff of “American Idol”–it’s the most successful reality show, with record deals and American Music Awards all tallied–is that the show finds actual talent amid all those “Gong Show” rejects and braying, overtanned blondes tarted up like porn stars. FOX’s new reality series, “My Bare Lady,” which debuted last night on the FOX…

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