Everyone’s favorite cantankerous, pill-popping physician has taken on organized religion, faith healing and has even aimed his sarcasm at atheists. And while House had to deal with Chase’s ontological/theological struggles and Cameron’s ethical quandaries, he’s never had to deal with one of his Fellows actually being religious. Until now. At the end of last season,…

“Halo 3” debuted with as much buzz and fanfare as its predecessors, maybe more, but there’s no surprise there. Rated “M” for “Mature, it’s the top selling video game of all time. But perhaps what might stun readers is that this killing-game is apparently being used to save young men across America with Jesus–or at…

Yes, it’s true. I am seeing the CW’s Smallville series to the very end. I can’t help it. I still love it. And if the season premiere says anything about what’s to come this year, I’m excited. A brief recap: the season finale in May left lives in the balance–just about everybody’s, actually, but most…

With dazzling colors, quixotic characters and whimsical storylines, death and resurrection – not to mention pie– have never been treated with such Wonka-esque style as they are in ABC’s new dramedy “Pushing Daisies.” Unlike other new series that play around with the rules of living and dying (“New Amsterdam,” “Moonlight”), this series delivers on its…

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