“In the Valley of Elah“–Paul Haggis’s follow-up to his Oscar-winning “Crash”–starts out as a mystery about a soldier who disappears soon after returning home from Iraq. But it soon becomes something more: a full-scale exploration of America’s involvement in Iraq and the moral ramifications of the war. Starring Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon, the…

9-11 and 3:16. What do those two numbers mean to you? For Max Lucado and his publishing teams, the first is the release date of a host of new products, and the second is the product itself. “What if hope could replace despair?” he asks. “What if the church could come together around what they’re…

What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? That’s the question that hovers over “Beyond the Gates,” and it’s one that can win you a free copy of that movie on DVD. Post your answer in the comments box below by Sept. 25, and the best four posts will win free DVDs. (Don’t forget…

Several weeks ago I posted a review of the indie film “Away From Her” and its authentic but painful portrayal of Alzheimer’s disease. Many Beliefnet readers responded to that post with their own accounts of their struggles in caring for someone with the disease, which I found touching and inspiring. Several readers also wondered when…

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