Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock.com
Evangeline Lilly said goodbye to Hollywood, a prophecy she predicted more than 20 years ago. In an Instagram post, the “Lost” actress admitted that she’s “filled with joy” over her decision to step away from acting. She posted footage from almost 20 years ago when she shared her “dreams under (what looks like) a full…

Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com
Actor Robert Davi said there are plenty of “closeted conservatives” in Hollywood who are scared to speak out because they live in fear. Davi has been in several widely popular movies, including playing Timothy Dalton-era James Bond villain Franz Sanchez in “License to Kill” and critical roles in “The Goonies” and “Die Hard.” However, in…

A recent study found that the number of movies featuring sex scenes has been steadily declining since 2000. Data analyst Stephen Follows noted that by 2023, the number of sex scenes in movies had “fallen by almost 40 percent from the start of the century.” He wrote, “The declining trend is present in most movie…

Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock.com
Throughout his decades-long career, Cuba Gooding Jr. has played a wide range of characters, from disgraced athlete O.J. Simpson to Rod Tidwell in “Jerry Maguire,” earning him an Academy Award. However, according to the 56-year-old actor, his latest role, a drug dealer turned Christian in “The Firing Squad,” is one of the most impactful he’s…

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