Tony Dungy gave his thoughts about coaches cursing when speaking to their players. Dungy was responding to a post by executive director of the Moorad Center at Villanova University, Andrew Brandt, which said, “I challenge NFL head coaches to give post-game locker room speeches without using the word ‘F***ing’ every sentence. Not sure it can be done.” Dungy gave his own thoughts, writing, “It absolutely can be done Andrew. But somehow coaches have been brainwashed into thinking that young people can only relate to them if they use profanity. That’s not the case but a lot of people believe that.”
He addressed the situation, responding, “In my first team meeting with the Bucs & the Colts I asked the players if any of them needed to be yelled at or cursed at to play their best? No one raised their hand in either meeting so that’s how I proceeded. We did OK so I know it can be done effectively.” One user asked Dungy how he keeps his cool, to which Dungy responded, “I didn’t keep my cool. Profanity just wasn’t part of my make up. And my thought process was always to make the situation better. To look forward. Rather than dwell on the disappointing moment.” He also cited his own coaches for inspiration. “I played for Chuck Noll & Bill Walsh and I can tell you they didn’t speak derogatorily to anyone. Profanity wasn’t part of their M.O. I had good friends who played for Tom Landry & Joe Gibbs and they would tell you the same thing. That’s 12 Super Bowl Championships talking to players like men and not relying on profanity. I’m sure there are more but that’s 12 that I know of for sure. You could throw in the Colts in SB XLI and make it 13.”
Dungy is well-known for his strong Christian faith, speaking at Christian colleges like Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL and inspiring players. He explained his own reasoning for why he avoids cursing and why he felt it was inappropriate for politicians as well. “If you’re asking if I think profanity is appropriate by anyone in any situation I would say no. My guide is the Bible. ‘Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them’ Ephesians 4:29. NLT.”