Disney | HBO

Disney, the parent company of Disney+ and Hulu, recently announced that they will be partnering with Warner Bros. Discovery, the parent company to HBO Max, and will soon be offering a video-on-demand service that will combine all three streaming services in one app. The bundle will be available the U.S. this summer where users will have access to content from ABC, CNN, DC, Discovery, Disney, Food Network, FX, HBO, HGTV, Hulu, Marvel, Pixar, Searchlight and Warner Bros. in ad-supported or ad-free plans.

After hearing the news, many parents are outraged due to the graphic material that often appears in HBO shows, which could potentially be exposed to their children. The Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) warned that adding HBO Max could expose children to graphic TV shows such as “Euphoria” and “The Idol.” The PTC is a “nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education organization advocating responsible entertainment” that seeks to “protect children and families from graphic sex, violence and profanity in the media.” PTC’s Melissa Henson criticized the move in a statement, noting that it undermines trust. “This entirely inappropriate partnership will give children access to some of the most sexually explicit, graphically violent, and profane content available on streaming platforms today, and will further alienate families that have trusted Disney,” she said. “Max programs and its weak parental controls have enabled children to access some of the most explicit streaming content on the market, including ‘Euphoria,’ which has featured statutory rape and sexual exploitation, illicit drug abuse, graphic teen sex, and pornography use — all portrayed as a normal part of the teenage experience, and ‘The Idol,’ cited as ‘pornographic,’ a ‘sordid male fantasy,’ a ‘darker, crazier, and more risqué version’ of ‘Euphoria,’” Henson continued. The PTC is calling on Disney to abandon the HBO Max partnership in order to protect its family image and audience.

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