An interview recently resurfaced on Fox Business Tuesday of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson criticizing support of universal health care.
Roberston believes that instead of medicine, people need more Jesus.
“I have eternal healthcare and it’s free,” Phil Robertson says.
Good news from the right– you don’t even need healthcare because you get eternal healthcare from God in the afterlife and it’s free. pic.twitter.com/CjPCse7Ggw
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) February 5, 2019
Robert singled in on Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) who supports a “Medicare for all” plan to create a single-player system for health care.
“Kamala, I already have health care. It’s given to me by God. Eternal health care,” he said.
When host Neil Cavuto questioned him about the fact that people “get sick on Earth in human form,” Roberston said:
“The temporary reprieve is not worth it. I’m telling her, I have eternal health care and it’s free. Doctors can give you a little temporary reprieve, but they cannot save you from physical death. The doctors who treat you, they die, too.”
Cavotu then said, “But you’re not dismissing that we need, people need health care, right?” Cavuto asked.
“I didn’t have health care for 50 years,” Roberston said.