Michelle, Jim Bob, and Josie DuggarIf you’ve been following the story, you know that the newest addition to TV’s the Duggar family, Josie Brooklyn, has been struggling ever since mother Michelle gave birth to her prematurely in December (she wasn’t due until the spring). In early April, baby Josie was finally released from the hospital, but, sadly, needed to return only a few days later.
This Sunday, TLC is airing a special Mother’s Day episode of “19 Kids and Counting” (8/ 7 p.m. Central) that documents Josie’s homecoming. (Check out clips from the show, here on Beliefnet.)
Michelle gave me an email update on Josie, and spoke about how the family’s Christian faith is keeping them strong. She also said she’s open to the possibility of having more children. Read the interview below.
How’s little Josie now? Last I heard, she was released from the hospital, but then had to return. Is she still there?
Josie was released from the hospital on April 6th weighing 4 ½ pounds. She returned two days later due to some digestion issues. She is currently in the hospital where doctors are running test to determine her tummy problems. Other than that, she is doing great and has just reached the 6-pound mark!
How has Josie’s condition affected the family? Has the stress and sadness brought the family in general closer together or pushed you apart?
It has been very difficult having a premature baby, but God has met all of our needs every step of the way. Our family has grown closer to each other and to God.
What’s a typical day like now for the family? How have things changed for everyone since Josie’s birth?
We are staying busy running back and forth to the hospital, home schooling, and spending time together as a family. We know this is just a season of life and everyone in our family has pulled together to keep the bases covered.

Are the other kids resentful of the attention on Josie right now?
Our family is praying for Josie and thankful to God for how well she has done. We really appreciate all of the kind emails, notes and prayers we have received from others.
Last we spoke I asked you if you would continue to have children if your health became a factor and you said: “I guess we would just cross that bridge when we got there. If there was something that were life threatening for me, that would be a matter of prayer at that point.” Has your health now become a concern? Are you planning on having more children at this point?
This is the second time I have had preeclampsia. The first time was with my first set of twins 20 years ago who were born 2 weeks early. Preeclampsia can affect any pregnancy and the only cure for it is delivery. I had a complete physical and blood work done several weeks after Josie was born and the tests came back normal. I will be 44 years old this year and I realize my childbearing years are coming to an end. Right now we are focusing our attention on taking care of Josie. We thank God for each child and are open to the possibility of more.
Has your Christian faith helped you through this tough time?
God has promised that all things work together for good to those that love Him. When we believe God doesn’t make mistakes and that He loves us and has a plan for our lives, then we can look for the good that will come out of every difficulty that we encounter. We praise God for the wonderful doctors and nurses we have met and also for all those who have shown us love and kindness during this difficult time.

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