A new vigilante movie made a bigger splash than expected this weekend, and I think the reasons for it are, well, timeless. “Law Abiding Citizen” hearkens back to the great vigilante renaissance of the 70’s, but really goes back to one of the biblical themes of the Old Testament. There is something about us that…

Gene Roddenberry's vision of "Star Trek" was a future dominated by science and human ingenuity, without religion to mess things up. Even so, we have found 10 examples of how the Ten Commandments have found their way into the popular sci-fi franchise.

I know that Spike Jonze’s screen adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s beloved picture book, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ is getting fantastic reviews. I’ve seen the raves on the news and in newspapers, too, and listened to a Talk of the Nation special about monsters yesterday on NPR inspired by Sendak, called “Maurice Sendak’s Monster Makeover”…

Madonna, is of course, perpetually associated with religious controversy. My particular favorite in her repertoire was her live performance of a woman on the cross from her 2006 Confessions Tour, while she sang “Live to Tell.” I even did a commentary about this performance and the extreme backlash to it on NPR’s All Things Considered,…

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