Have a Little Faith: A True StoryMitch Albom, author of “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” and “Tuesdays with Morrie” has a new nonfiction book coming out on September 29, 2009, “Have a Little Faith: A True Story.” The book is about being asked to write the eulogy for a rabbi from his hometown.
Beliefnet has received 10 copies of the book.
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Post a comment below by September 28, 2009 answering the question: Was there ever a time where you felt detached from your faith or had your faith shaken? Tell us about it.

Make sure you include your email address in the designated area (it won’t be made public). The 10 best responses–based on the judgment of the Idol Chatter editors–will each win a copy of “Have a Little Faith: A True Story.”
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