uspicforic.jpgBono of U2 is certainly known for his works (of activism, that is) and his music has always been known for its Christian influence–but Bono the Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times? Taking a place alongside the likes of Thomas Friedman?
Yes, it’s true. In Bono’s opinion piece, “It’s 2009. Do You Know Where Your Soul Is?” in this week’s Sunday edition Bono waxes poetic about, among other things–“the dying and the living that is Easter” and the ongoing meaning of Lent–wasn’t a fluke. If you go to the online version of this op-ed, the NYTimes urges you on the right hand sidebar to “Read Bono’s New Column” and introduces him as the new guest columnist.

Hmmm. I don’t know what I think of this. Interesting–sort of–but I think I see enough of Bono already on TV and in celebrity and music mags. I’d rather hear from real writers and real people about religion in the op-ed section. What do you think?
Bono at
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