michaelmoorepic.jpgIt’s that time of year again, when I travel down the road just a bit to attend Michael Moore’s cinematic extravaganza, the Traverse City Film Festival. I will be attending numerous film screenings and panel discussions with celebs such as Larry Charles (“Borat”), Christine Lahti , Phil Donohue, and…wait for it…. Madonna.
Yep, it’s a little known fact that Madonna’s dad lives near Traverse City and runs a vineyard where you can buy Madonna wine. Anyway, due to the local connection and the power of Michael Moore, Madonna is premiering her documentary “I Am Because We Are” here this weekend and I was one of the lucky few to get a ticket. (People camped out for two days to get tickets but I won them in a lottery drawing.)

I fully expect to have a chance to ask one or two questions at these screenings and panel discussions–I am very persistent– and I would love to have Idol Chatter readers be a part of this experience.
So what would you ask Michael Moore or Madonna if you could? Leave your questions in the comment box and I will see what I can do! And look for reports from the festival starting Thursday.
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