FashionGoddessIC.jpgIn the article, “The Greek Ideal” the New York Times spring Women’s Fashion magazine includes a fun survey of popular Greek Goddesses like Aphrodite (Goddess of beauty and desire) and Hera (Goddess of marriage) but with a twist. In addition to drawing images of the Goddesses wearing some of the latest fashions, they speculate on each of the Goddesses’ fashion sense. Each Goddess profile includes: signature look, fashion disciples, in what situations you should invoke the Goddess, and what to keep in mind when invoking her.
Consider what they say about Aphrodite:

Aphrodite, goddess of desire and beauty. Signature look: Flowing locks and strategically draped robes. Fashion disciples: Versace, Alberta Ferretti. Invoke her to: Find that elusive third husband. Keep in mind: repeated intercourse with Aphrodite’s priestesses was popular method of worshipping this celestial being.

The illustrations are fantastic. Make sure to check out this humorous ode to dressing like a goddess this spring.

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