evanalmighty_idol.jpgIf you’re a person of faith who loves any time when biblical stories make it into the mainstream cinema, then “Evan Almighty” is for you and everyone you can invite to go with you. But if you’re looking for great laughs, surprising spin, and a compelling story that will take you where you’ve not been before, this movie isn’t it. It’s close, but not quite there.
Steve Carell picks up where Jim Carrey (“Bruce Almighty”) left off, having been elected to congress. So he leave Buffalo behind and hauls his family to the Virginia suburbs to do the politician life when “God” (again, Morgan Freeman) shows up and commands him to build an ark.

Evan’s family and colleagues are understandably unsure whether to interpret his actions as that of someone who’s truly heard from God or just the most dysfunctional midlife crisis that most of us have ever seen.
As a fan of family movies, this is a good one–as is any movie that a family can see and enjoy together. As a fan of faith-friendly movies, this also scores well–as in any film that provokes a conversation about whether or not the biblical stories actually happened or what relevance they have today.
I actually wish there would have been a five-minute documentary short (do I sound old here?) preceding the film, highlighting the search for the real ark on Mt. Ararat and the issues surrounding that. As it is, faith-based groups have rallied for a deeper discussion of the faith issues of the film.
But back to the movie: Steve Carell fans will enjoy his turn in this, but those looking for this summer’s laugh-fest won’t find it here. What you will find is the opportunity to put yourself in Evan’s shoes and reflect on any time in which our faith runs contrary to the culture, and there are nuggets to be found therein.
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