What’s that saying about getting out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat? Looks like Isaac Hayes, the voice of Jerome “Chef” McElroy, doesn’t like what those “South Park” boys–Matt Stone and Trey Parker–have been cooking. E! Online reports that Hayes has asked to be let out of his contract due to the…

The long-awaited opener to the sixth season of “The Sopranos” started out more Beatnik than Bayonne. Viewers were treated to a surreal roundup of what’s happened since we last checked in the Sopranos, some 18 months ago, with William S. Burrough’s recitation of “The Western Lands”–as featured in the song “Seven Souls” by Material–guiding the…

You’re an up-and-coming pop star. You finally got an agent. You look fabulous. Then your uncle, who you don’t even talk to, totally masterminds a plan to fly jetliners into the World Trade Center! How uncool is that? Well, maybe not so uncool. Wafah Dufour, a niece of Al-Qaeda kingpin Osama Bin Laden, is about…

Damian “Jr Gong” Marley (Bob’s youngest son) plans to keep on walking the “Road to Zion,” as one of his songs repeats. And with his latest album, “Welcome to JamRock,” released in September 2005, he has walked his way somewhere else too: the top of my play list. “Welcome to Jamrock” is reminiscent of the…

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