I hope to find love again one day.

I hope it’s an ego-less love.

The kind of love that makes us not breaks us.

I hope the guy I meet:

Believes that love is so much more important than being right.
Believes that being gentle is a signature of strength.
Believes in living a life of example and not just words.
Believes his mother is the greatest woman in the world besides me.
Believes his sisters and brothers are his very best friends.
Believes in stopping to help an elderly person struggling with their groceries.
Believes in making faces at the baby being held by his mother.
Believes that a dog is a wonder of unconditional love.
Believes that generosity is more important that money in the bank.
Believes in loyalty so strongly that he scoops up and shields the ones he loves.
Believes in Faith & family & knows even if his world falls apart, he has everything.
Believes in himself so confidently, he loves generously rather than takes shamelessly.
Believes life is about growing into better people than we once were.
Believes that control is less important than others being happy.
Believes that when he is with the ones he loves, that the world makes total sense.

I hope to meet a guy one day.

I hope to meet a guy that defines himself so well, that I can predict how he will interpret me.

I hope to find a guy who was loved so unconditionally that he knows how to love.

I hope to find love again.

An ego-less love.

The kind of love that makes us – not breaks us.

(Photo courtesy of Pexels)

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