One of my greatest fears was a fear of heights, so I jumped out of a plane with a parachute in a tandem jump in 1986.  The feeling was beyond words and to this day, I draw strength from it. Such a powerful experience shattered those fears and belief systems and it turned out to be so…

  With a clear and meaningful purpose comes the motivation and the energy to follow that purpose. When you are clear and sure of what you want to create and why, you will find everything necessary to handle the how. Do you have trouble staying motivated, or keeping yourself focused, or following through on your…

  “Every day should be a day of Thanksgiving for all the gifts of Life — for sunshine, water, and the luscious fruits and greens which we receive as indirect gifts from the Great Giver.” Paramahansa Yogananda   Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and tradition. Why only give thanks one day a year? Every day…

  Abundance is all around you.  Abundance is also inside you.  Your very body is an abundant, self healing mechanism full of energy. Your spirit and essence is infinite, unlimited, immortal and abundant. You are beautiful! You are magnificent! You are a Spiritual Being having a human experience. Beliefs, energetically translated into feelings, thoughts and…

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