Have a Magnificent Day!

‘I AM A MEGA MAGNET OF DIVINE LOVE AND ABUNDANCE AND I AM JOYOUSLY ONE WITH MEGA WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS.’ It is wise not compete with others, as this will bring your energy down, lower your vibration and cause problems for you and with yur relationships with others.  Simply do your best to do your best.  Give…

‘You should remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the power to receive wealth.’            Deuteronomy 8:18 Catherine Ponder is a master writer on the subject of prosperity.  Her books and teachings are inspirational and provide a step by step action plan to let go of poverty consciousness and create…

It is important to understand that success is not achieved through changes on the outside of your life.  Change or transformation only occurs when you change your inner life – your belief systems, values and the way you think and act.  This is why 80% of all Lotto winners are broke within 10 years and…

There are Natural Laws of the universe for how things work.  For example, the Ten Commandments are natural laws that show us how to live properly.  They are also called proper principles and there are proper principles for all areas of life.  This includes Health, Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression.  There are natural laws or proper…

Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Life is all energy so make it count.   Negative energy drains and depletes life force. Positive energy – joy, love and enthusiasm create and enhance life force.   Joy is a wonderful thing. It is our natural state to be healthy, whole, complete and joyous.   Love…

What if today is the day for you to choose, to decide that you are going to be successful and achieve and manifest your deepest desires and outcomes? Is it possible, I mean is it just possible, that today, you make a choice to go forward with 100% commitment in your life and energy?  …

Right now are you looking at the good things and focused on the positive in your life? Are you counting your blessings?   Positive energy and an attitude of gratitude will carry you through whatever challenges you are facing.  It takes just as much energy to be positive as it does to be negative.  …

‘The Science to Getting Rich’, by Wallace Wattles   Intro by Roy Eugene Davis:   Because of our essential divine nature, we are designed to prosper – to thrive, to flourish and to be successful.  If we are not thriving, if we are not flourishing, if we are not being successful, we have lessons yet…

For Jerome, our sweet son….inspiration from my mother:  A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different.  He gathered the young executives in his company.  He said, “It is…

  You are worthy of all the goodness that life can hold. You are capable of making a valuable contribution to the moment you’re in.   You were born to do things that have never been done, to understand things that have never been understood. You are here in this place to express the rich…

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