One of the greatest blessings in my life was meeting Roy Eugene Davis.My wife, Denise had recently read ‘Autobiography of a Yogi,’ by Paramahansa Yoganandaand a friend shared that Roy was coming to our area for a seminar that we should attend. My life changed from that moment on.  Being in Roy’s presence is a wonderful experience,as…

What you are seeking is right in front of you.Actually it is right inside you. First you must be clear on what you are and what you want to achieve and why.As a child of God, you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience on earth. By going within and tapping into your true…

If you look deep inside your heart, you have been searching your entire life for the truth.Our society and culture distracts us from this quest with so many material pursuits. “Get a degree, find a good job, get married, have a family, find your dream house, cars, boats and all types of toys, get rich, famous,…

Whatever you allow to hold you back will hold you back. Whatever you allow to move you forward will move you forward. To maximize the moment, first you must allow what is to be the way it is.You must allow people and situations to be the way they are. Being present in the moment and…

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