Everything in the Universe is for your good. All the good that you are seeking is also seeking you!   By aligning with this creative and positive energy you tap into unlimited abundance.It is important to have a prosperity consciousness.   ‘Everything is really full of love for you.  The good that is for you…

You are alive in this moment. And you are connected to all of life.   In ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill, he states that you can have whatever you want in life, as long as you DO NOT violate the rights of others. You cannot take advantage of others without also hurting yourself…

One of my greatest fears was a fear of heights, so I jumped out of a plane with a parachute in a tandem jump in 1986.  The feeling was beyond words and to this day, I draw strength from it.  Such a powerful experience shattered those fears and belief systems and it turned out to be so much…

A powerful insight from the I Ching: A wind that changes direction often, even a very powerful one, will disperse nothing – it only stirs up the sky.  The wind that causes real change is the one that blows consistently in the same direction. When faced with a difficult problem to resolve or a goal…

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