A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;            An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty Life is an opportunity. Every moment contains within it exactly what you need to grow and thrive. Being physically healthy is such a vital part of living a successful life. Don’t you agree? What about your mental…

    “One of the main qualities it takes to be successful is energy……it may be the only thing.”                                             Katherine Hepburn Living with a strong, positive energy is so important to having a healthy, wonderful and successful life. It requires just as much energy to be positive as it does to be negative; however the…

We have different styles of communicating and letting each other know that we care. The 5 Love Languages is a wonderful book .  It helped my wife and I develop a successful and loving way to communicate, share our love and feelings and transcend life’s challenges. We each have a predominant love language.  Which is yours? Which is…

Success is at hand and this chipmunk is enjoying the fruits of life. You too can enjoy success. Today, so many people are worried about financial situations and the economy. Jobs and capital are scarce, unemployment is high, home values have plummeted. There is uncertainty in the financial and world markets and concerns about health care and…

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