The MEGA Coach

Lee Papier is a business and life coach in the human potential field. For 30 years he has studied what motivates human/spiritual beings. His life passion focuses on inspiring people to grow, awaken and actualize their divine potential.

As co-founder of the Power of Acknowledgement organization in the eighties, Lee and his mentor, Michael Wyman shared a powerful technology to uplift people to achieve their dreams. In 1985, Lee and Michael served as motivational coaches for the New York Rangers working directly with Craig Patrick, who was assistant coach on the legendary 1980 US Olympic Hockey team.

Lee also founded Insights to Excellence, Inc., a sales and management consulting and training organization. He developed and presented seminars designed to empower people to actualize their full potential, both personally and professionally.

Lee's has two passions. As The MEGA Coach, his focus is to inspire people to live the divine plan of their lives. In addition, Lee is a Wealth Advisor in financial services and retirement planning. He provides effective financial solutions that guarantee protection, security and financial freedom.

Lee graduated with a B.A. in Economics from the University of Rochester and an MBA in Finance and Human Resource Management from the University of San Diego.

Lee uplifts people to make each day a masterpiece. In his blog, Have A Magnificent Day!, Lee offers daily boosts of inspiration to help you start your day with a ray of hope and positive thoughts.

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