winter-solstice ii

From The Secret Door to Success by Florence Scovel Shinn:

The way of abundance is a one-way street.  You are either heading for lack, or heading for abundance.  The person with a rich consciousness and the one with a poor consciousness are not walking on the same mental street.

There is a lavish supply, divinely planned for each individual.  The rich person is tapping it, for the rich thoughts produce rich surroundings.

Change your thoughts, and in the twinkling of an eye, all your conditions change.  Your world is a world of crystallized ideas, crystallized words.  Sooner or later, you reap the fruits of your words and thoughts.

Words are bodies or forces which move spirally and return in due season to cross the lives of their creators.  People who are always talking lack and limitation, reap lack and limitation.

You cannot enter The Kingdom of Abundance bemoaning your lot.  Praise and thanksgiving open the gates, for expectancy always wins.  Ask for what is yours by divine right and under grace in a perfect way.

Have a healthy and prosperous week!

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach


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