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Who is the most important person when it comes to creating wonderful relationships?
You or me?  Well, both are important.

Where does creating wonderful relationships begin?
The answer is in yourself.

The starting point is always me, because I am the source of my experience and my energy, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions create my world and results.  This is what makes life such a dashing, bold adventure.  Anything is possible and I can design my life how I choose.  Freedom of choice is powerful and with it one must also acknowledge comes total responsibility.  We are each free to create whatever life and relationships we want.

Since you are the starting point, what do you truly want in your life?  Are your relationships working?  Right now, you can answer this question easily by simply looking at your life and observing the relationships you have and their quality of communication, clarity, joy, success, love, results and fulfillment.  This is the reality you have created so far based on your choices to date.  Good news is if you like what you have you created it.  Bad news is if you do not like what you have you created it.  Excellent news is you have the power to make new and even better choices to have more wonderful results.  Also, if your life and relationships are going well, they can even get better!

The title of chapter 4 of Ariel & Shya Kane’s new book is “A Match Made In Heaven Starts With You.”  Here a little taste of this exceptional information:

“In order to build a strong foundation for relationship, you must first investigate your relationship with yourself.  If you are unkind to yourself, you will ultimately be unkind to anyone who forms a partnership with you.  When you connect with another, he or she becomes an extension of you.  Ultimately, you will pick on that person in the same manner that you pick on yourself.  Think back to disagreements you’ve had with others in your life.  Haven’t the worst fights or meanest arguments happened with those you love?  That is because Heaven on Earth begins with you,  If you are in turmoil inside, there will be no peace in your relationship.

The Three Principles of Instantaneous Transformation:

1) Anything you resist, persists, grows stronger and dominates your life and relationships.

2) No two things can occupy the same space at the same time.
You can only be doing one thing in any given moment of your life.

3) Anything you allow to be exactly as it is will complete itself and dissolve all on its own.

Life always shows up with just the appropriate information to give you the best possible experience.  Just yesterday I had a situation occur with a close family member that completely demonstrated these exact principles.  As a matter of fact, it presented me with the perfect information for this blog on creating wonderful relationships.

You can create good relationships or bad relationships and it starts with you.  We all like when things go well or in our favor and that is great.  When it comes to relationships we all have experienced both the good and the bad, but when life is challenging, that is the true test of your courage, sincerity and of your principles.

The best place to start is be kind to yourself and to be kind to others.

“Kindness is a language that we all can understand.
Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it.”

Mother Teresa

Ariel & Shya’s new book,How to Have A Match Made in Heaven” is coming out Sept. 4th.

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🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach



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