From Catherine Ponder, “The Prospering Power of Love:”

There are definite, simple ways  you can pour out the healing power of love on your negative memories, so that you can be free of them forever.  As you do become free of these destructive emotions, you cease crucifying yourself and others and you are then ready for resurrected good.  It is wise to fast from negative memories of the past, grudges, criticisms, spite, feelings of injustice and hurt and any inharmonious thoughts or feelings.

There are two special ways you can fast from negative attitudes and tune in on the healing power of love, which makes you whole in mind, body and affairs.  These special ways are the act of release and the act of forgiveness.  Release and forgiveness are parts of love.  When you find that other phases of love have not healed some troublesome condition in your life, you may discover that it is because you have not invoked the releasing, forgiving phases of love.  When you do, satisfying results will surely come.

It is said that love in a many splendored thing, but often when the pruning power of love is at work in your life you may have felt that love is a “many-splintered” thing.  When you are willing to release and forgive, the splinter (or “thorn in the flesh”) is transformed into a splendid result and you find that love is able to direct your course to greater good.

Through release and forgiveness you break up, cross out, dissolve and are freed forever from the negative attitudes and memories that have limited you to less than the highest and best in your experience.  A freeing, forgiving attitude raises your good and brings it to life.  Invoke the healing power of love through freeing and forgiving the negative experiences of your past and present and you will find yourself well on the way to resurrected good.

It is the spiritual law that you must forgive if you want to demonstrate over your own difficulties and make any real progress in life.  To forgive simply means to set free, to liberate, by “giving” something positive in place of or “for” something negative.  If you want to free yourself from all types of problems in mind, body and affairs, you must release others to find their good in their own way.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach

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