Being present is about being fully alive.
You feel inspired and connected to life.
It only happens now.

Being in tune with nature brings you more into the present moment.
It connects you with your heart and gratitude.
Let yourself feel what you are feeling.

This moment is life giving and life provides everything you need right now for your greatest growth.
Open your mind, your heart, your eyes and your awareness to this moment.
Be present, be grateful and tune in to the subtle nuances of what is around you.

“Do you think this is not just another day in your life?
It is not just another day, it is the one day that is given to you, today.
It is given to you, it is a gift.
It is the only gift that you have right now and the only appropriate response is gratefulness.
If you do nothing else but cultivate a response to the great gift that this unique day is, if you learn to respond as if it were the first day in your life and the very last day then you will have spent this day very well.”


Here is my Godmother Francesca’s shopping list for Thanksgiving:

1 can of fun
1 container of laughter
a package of hugs
a 10 lb. bag of love
1 quart of compassion
1 roll of gratitude
a 6 pack of abundance
1 gallon of joy

What is on your shopping list?
Pay attention, because you always find what you are looking for.


Enjoy this amazing short video:



🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach


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