Intense Stare of a Bald Eagle


I was in a restaurant having dinner with my wife.
The food smelled great and the restaurant was not very busy.
We were enjoying a nice meal and having a date.

I was observing what was happening around me and I noticed that one of the waiters was running around like Speedy Gonzalez.  He was literally racing from one end of the restaurant to the other.  Now at first glance it might seem that he was going from the tables in his station to the computer to enter his orders or to the bar to pick up drinks.

But actually he was just racing back and forth without accomplishing very much.  It was fascinating to watch.  I could see him thinking about things in his head so hard and he was so full with the thoughts in his head that he could not pay attention to his customers at his tables or to what he needed to do.  So he went back and forth across the restaurant.

How often are we so busy or full with our own life and situation that we are not present in the moment to see clearly what is best for ourselves and the other people around us?  How much time and resources do we waste.  Sometimes we miss a wonderful opportunity that we could not see because we were not really there.

The following week we went back for dinner to this same restaurant.  Sure enough, here was the same waiter buzzing around the place.  Again, the restaurant was not very crowded and he was putting out so much more energy then was needed at the time.  At one point, he darted across the floor towards the cooking area where the chefs prepare the food and than place it up on the counter for pick up.  The waiter buzzed between some tables heading towards the counter and he was moving so fast that he just missed smashing his face into one of the large plants next to a table.  At the last possible second he realized where he was and narrowly missed the plant.  I was glad he did not hurt himself or knock the plant into one of the guests.

What a wonderful lesson.  When we are so full of our own thoughts or moving so fast in our lives, we miss the moment.

Take a few breathes, in and out through the mouth.  Let yourself be here.  What a wonderful opportunity this moment presents.  Make sure that you give yourself and others the best possible service and success each moment.

Have a wonderful day!

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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