These past few years have been some of the toughest times and challenges that our generation has ever faced.  We are learning to empower ourselves and become successful, to educate ourselves, to be responsible for our health and life.

We are learning to follow our intuition.

We must acknowledge there is a Higher Power and Infinite Intelligence.
We must look to this SOURCE for all of our blessings.

We cannot sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to save us.
We now know that we are responsible to change our world .

No longer will someone just take the governments word for something it promises to do.
The blinders are off and it will be very difficult to fool us.
People are making wiser choices for themselves and their families.

We live in a different world now.
The Great Recession has changed the financial realities of the world.
It will not go back to the way it was.

We have a different view now.  People realize that we need to help each other more than ever.
We have to work together.  This is a team effort.


Government, banking and credit, legal and medical fields will go through major changes over the following years. The elite groups that have been controlling and manipulating these industries and the people will be cleaned up.

Education and the educational structure will be transformed.
Our children and their education is our future.
Our continued education is our life blood.

Living with proper principles is the only solution.
Being honest and ethical.  Having integrity and following the Golden Rule.

Technology will continue to advance with great strides.
However, it is the love and compassion of mankind that guides the world.

Together we make a difference.

If one of us is in pain, then all of us are in pain.
We are one.
We are the world.
We need to make a brighter day so let’s start giving.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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