During the Revolutionary War the founding fathers of America shared their vision of a free and independent United States and individuals and families around the country rallied around it and defeated the British Empire, whose power and might dwarfed the young American colonies.  How did such a young, inexperienced nation with hardly any army or resources defeat the mighty British army and navy?  It was the power and commitment of their belief and desire to be free, as God intended all of us to be.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt shared his famous ‘fireside chat’ where is coined the famous phrase, ‘There is nothing to fear but fear itself.’  FDR rallied the entire nation against the evil forces of Adolf Hitler and Germany to put a stop to their annihilation of people and countries for the sake of power and domination.  How strong were his belief systems, values and commitment to American principles of freedom and equality for all people?

What about John F. Kennedy, sharing his vision of landing a man on the moon, when no one had even made a successful trip in space?  How powerful was his vision and how did he communicate his passion and desire to make America #1 in the space race?  He rallied our nation to this cause and spent billions of dollars to achieve this vision and goal.  As Neil Armstrong said with such eloquence, ‘One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.’

How about little Mahatma Gandhi, who single-handedly, changed the face of India and over five hundred million people?   ‘In a gentle way he shook the world’ with his vision and belief in non-violence and freedom for his people to govern and free themselves from British dictates and rules.  He demonstrated that force and warfare are not as powerful as the truth that is in our hearts and spirits.  How committed was Gandhi to his truth and beliefs?  One man changed his country and the entire world forever.

Finally, how about the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team that won the Gold Medal at the Olympics?   A group of young, inexperienced and unknown players dominated the powerful, professional and world-class Russian Gold Medal Team.  What was the vision and belief of its coach, Herb Brooks and his assistant coach, Craig Patrick?  They inspired a team of young men to believe that they were champions and play at the highest caliber and defeat the greatest team in the history of Olympic hockey.  What did they say to themselves, what level of belief, passion and commitment did they share and acknowledge?  How could these people rise above every challenge of not enough talent, experience, confidence and success to win the Gold Medal?
It is the power of belief, passion and faith.  They were totally committed and ‘All In.’

Why do we adults make life so serious and difficult?  What if we remembered our curiosity and approach as children?  All it takes is a little imagination, positive energy and attitude and belief, passion and faith.  The bible clearly shares this information with us.  This is our natural heritage, for us to be successful and actualize our divine potential.  We are created in the image of God with co-creative abilities and the freedom of choice.  We are here to do great things and to make a difference – to bring joy, happiness, peace and prosperity to our lives and to others – to create the kingdom of heaven on earth.


Anything less is falling short of our divine plan.  To achieve this level of self-actualization and enlightenment we must have total faith, belief and trust in God’s divine plan for each of us.  We have to live and manifest the truth of our essence and potential with all of our heart and soul or we will not achieve the ultimate reality and success which is our true destiny and natural heritage.

Make your life a Masterpiece. 


🙂 Lee

The Mega Coach




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