You can get a free download of the title track from Leeland’s new album, Love Is On The Move, this week only at The album, filled with “epic vertical songs” is a call to believers to take an active role in being God’s hands and feet on earth. Here are the lyrics to the…

House of Heroes is offering another free download this week at iTickets. The song this time is “Friday Night,” from their latest album, The End Is Not The End. Head over to iTickets for your free download from House of Heroes. And here are the lyrics:

No Compromise is an exciting milestone of Christafari’s 20th anniversary. It’s jam packed with 15 new gospel reggae anthems and an arsenal of guest appearances that blend their signature roots reggae sound with elements of hip-hop, dancehall, soca, worship and even rock. This week you can get a free download of Christafari’s song “Boomshots”, just…

You can grab a free download from worship leader Charles Billingsley, this week over at iTickets. The song is “God Of The Ages” from the album of the same name, recorded at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Virginia. The album releases August 25. Here are the lyrics to the worship song:

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