Stellar Kart is back with a new album, Everything Is Different Now. The song “Something Holy” is their current radio single. In addition to the video above, frontman Adam Agee took some time to share a devotional about what it means to be holy. Read on …“Something Holy”Devotional by Adam Agee1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”The definition of the word “holy” according to Webster’s Dictionary is: “exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness.” This is what our calling is from God. To be holy. To be set apart from the world in which we live in order to commune with Him. At times all of us feel empty, insufficient, or lonely as though we are stuck on an island disconnected from love…disconnected from God. As His creation, we have this need embedded in us that only He can fill. We try to fill it with everything this world has to offer, only to come up just as empty as before. That constant tug on our hearts is God desperately wanting a deep relationship with us. That restlessness we feel is our heart trying to reconnect with God.When we allow God to fill the void in our lives, we become a part of His holy family. We become a part of something bigger than our everyday trials and hardships. We have a connection that pulls us out of those dark times and lifts us up into the light. We become a part of something holy.

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You can learn more about Stellar Kart on their website. You can catch the band on tour this summer, including the Ichthus Festival in Wilmore, KY on June 19 and the Ignite Festival, July 25 in Schaumburg, IL.

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