OK, I admit this has nothing to do with Christian music. But I’ve been given permission this year to occasionally report on some wider topics relating to Christian culture and just I couldn’t pass this one up.
After Pat Robertson shared his … er … thoughts … this week that the magnitude 7 earthquake that devastated Haiti this week was the result of the country’s pact with the devil, comes another … um … spiritual … perspective on Haiti’s destruction and tragedy.

Shaman Lawyer Vincent Presti, “a practicing Catholic Christian” who runs a website called The Universe Says Press, has made some 2010 predictions for the rest of the world in the aftermath of Haiti’s tragedy.
According to The Universe Says Press website, Presti shares spiritual insights on current events and pop culture in what is described as an “‘areligious’ approach to allow our readers to use their own religious beliefs to respond to our spiritual hypothesis.” While a practicing attorney, Presti doesn’t offer legal advice but instead “provides spiritual guidance for entertainment and self-improvement purposes ONLY.”
According to a press release, Shaman Lawyer Vincent Presti’s predictions for 2010 are:

First, there will be a terrorist attack in the United States sometime around March 22, 2010.

Second, there will be two more major earthquakes between Hawaii and California in the next six weeks.

Third, there will be a major military attack against U.S. navy vessels sometime before June 2010.

Fourth, the world economy will continue to falter and a major European bank, probably French, will practically collapse prior to government intervention.

Fifth, the world will suffer a major loss as one of its most beloved leaders will pass.

Sixth, there will be an announcement that the Roman Catholic Church will reconcile with the Eastern Orthodox Church around Easter.

Seventh, the Republican Party will regain control of the U.S. Senate at the next election.

Eighth, the American troops will need to withdraw from Iraq before Christmas 2010.

Ninth, there will be a major discovery between minerals and cancer treatment.

Tenth, new army commanders deployed around the world will challenge President Obama’s role as commander-in-chief in an unprecedented gesture.

On his personal website, Presti explains that “A Shaman Lawyer is an individual who understands the laws of the Universe and their ability to bring a ‘just’ outcome to any conflict between earthly and spiritual pursuits.” In his sessions, he doesn’t share his own religious beliefs but when asked will “enthusiastically declare that you should either: (a) embrace your childhood faith tradition; or (b) accept Christ as your Savior.”
Here’s my question: are these predictions from God? And if his predictions don’t come true, does he get stoned, the way false prophets were stoned in the Bible?
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