Over on Beliefnet’s The New Christians blog, which is a really interesting blog that talks about the emergent church and culture, blogger Tony Jones pointed his readers to a free download of an album from an “Anglimergent” church called Church of the Beloved. The album is called Hope For A Tree Cut Down. OK, I’m…

I normally don’t pay attention to those “check this video out” chain emails, but for whatever reason I opened one from a friend with a video of some girls singing the National Anthem. (See video above.)Wow, I was blown away by the amazing harmonies and vocals! So I did a little digging and found a…

Christian rock band Skillet was named R&R’s (Radio & Records) Top CHR Artist of the Year for 2008. Since R&R began publishing Christian Radio charts, Skillet has garnered more #1 songs from one recording – their album Comatose – than any other artist in the industry, with their 6 consecutive hits, “Rebirthing,” “The Last Night,”…

As we wind down 2008, I started to make a list of my favorite albums of the year. The only problem is that, try as I might, I just haven’t listened to every album. And there are genres that, even if I had all the time in the world, I’d never pop in the CD…

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