crowdcreation.jpgI was recently talking to a writer doing some research about Christian music groupies. You know, those rabid fans who’ll do anything to meet their favorite artist or band.
I suppose in the church community we like to think that Christian music fans and bands are immune to the idol worshipping pop culture so prevelent in our society today.
And yet … it’s there. I’ve especially seen it in the festival environment, where kids have all the time in the world to hang out by the stage or track down their favorite artist. I’ve seen young church girls as obsessed with Christian rock artists as I was with Donny Osmond back in the day. And yes, I’ve heard of fans actually tracking down the home address of an artist and showing up unannounced (not that announcing yourself would be any better).

OK, so it’s not the Beatles, but it can be crazy.
So let me ask you this:
What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done to meet your favorite Christian music artist? And what happened after you met them?
Where is the line between supportive fan and crazy stalker?
I’d love to know what you think!
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