Good News

Ever wonder what TV news anchors do during commercial breaks? Well, take a look at this news duo.

Without a doubt, this canine does not like cellphones. Why? Maybe he just dislikes commercials about them … Jokes – Dog Hates The iPhone

Take quadruplets — that would be twins squared. Four happy babies. Add one loving, silly daddy. A daddy who knows just what it takes to get all four toddlers laughing.  (Poor Mommy!)  

For no other reason than to brighten up your day, here is a random goose parade. Complete with drum major. It seems that every Saturday at 8 a.m., the citizens of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, are treated to this feathered spectacle. And nobody dares to utter the words, “What a silly goose!”   Hey, everybody loves…

Ok, where did that hamster go? Tom Tom the kitten distinctly remembers seeing that obnoxious rodent rolling around in here somewhere.

Getting a little brother is a rare gift — somebody to grow up with, to be a role model for, to teach how to look out for himself. Not everybody has a little brother — a lifelong best friend, particularly after childhood when you realize that your lifelong shadow is more like you than anybody…

Now you know why you shelled out the big bucks for that touch-screen smart tablet. To entertain your cat! As you can see from this video, sure there are lots of games for kids — Mario, skiing penguins, talking T-Rexes — but yes, there are downloadable apps for your favorite feline.

Rescue workers feared the worst when they surveyed this Los Angeles accident. A small car was seemingly flattened by a semi-truck full of steel. How could the driver have survived? Watch and be amazed. Miracle – The funniest movie is here. Find it

This tale has twists and turns that are almost too hard to follow. It seems a dog named Hunter flunked out of a police-training course teaching canines to save children. He was put up for adoption and Reyna Zurita took in the pup. Hunter But what  this pup did at his new home is absolutely…

So, you intend to stuff yourself at your Thanksgiving Day feast? After all, it’s a tradition, right? Well, there’s probably no point in talking you out of it — not with the smell of roasting turkey wafting in from the kitchen … and the table filling with baked sweet potato-and-marshmallow pie, cranberry-and-orange relish, mashed potatoes…

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