I’ve had to increase the dosage of the immunosuppressive drug I’m taking for my lupus and anti-retinal antibodies. This makes me even more susceptible to infections – at a time when the flu season is just kicking into high gear! About now, too, I’m getting very weary of fending off potential infection. Tired of telling…

When you’re diagnosed with a chronic illness especially one that is very serious and affects many aspects of your life, you might feel overwhelmed by the amount and variety of information available to you. The moment you leave the doctor’s office, your head might start spinning with what he or she told you and the…

If you are rushed, tired, angry, or in great pain when you pray, you might find that your prayers are more general than specific. For example, “Please, Lord, take away my pain,” or “Please help all those who are suffering.” It’s good to place all our petitions to God in prayer, but even more effective…

It’s been building up over the past few years, but this year, it seems to truly be turning into a swift and powerful waterfall – it’s the number of devotionals available to us, especially those to observe during Lent! And I, for one, am pruning before I even start! It’s not that I don’t appreciate…

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