Maureen Pratt Author PicHe’s with us every moment of our lives. In fact, He knew us before we were born. He knows what we do, think, and feel. And he knows what we pray for even before we ask. So how is it that, in our super-busy lives, we can’t find time for Him?

Whether it’s going to church or reading Scripture everyday, for many people, finding time to “just be” with God is tough. Family responsibilities, work (maybe more than one job and more than full-time), keeping fit, running a household, and, if you have a chronic illness or live with chronic pain, even if you have time when you’re resting or unable to be very active, you might find you don’t have a lot of mental energy to carry on a “meaningful” conversation with the Creator.

How well I know! But here’s what’s been helpful for me: Even when I’ve been too tired, sick, or busy to focus on deep prayer, I remind myself of how I began this blog.

He’s with us every moment of our lives. So, I don’t have to look far or go to some particular place to “find” God. He’s right there, sitting beside you, protectively behind you during office meetings, in the car as you go from place to place. Know this. Feel His presence.

He knew us before we were born. God knows us so well that we don’t have to make a big show of communicating with Him. We can lift up a full prayer or a word, a glance at His Creation or a tearful supplication. At a loss for words? Slowly recite the “Our Father,” and feel the comfort of His constancy and love.

He knows what we pray for even before we ask. Don’t have your prayer list handy, but you have a few minutes of energy or opportunity? Use those minutes to pray anyway, turning your heart and mind over to your petitions, but also your ears to hear His whisper.

In the time that you take to bemoan not having enough time for worship or prayer, you could use that time to pray – and the minutes add up greatly as the days go by.

Yes, we have time – 24 hours each day, actually – and all we have to do is remember God is with us every minute!
Blessings for the day,


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