Maureen Pratt Author PicWhat a powerful story of love and God’s power is the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead! And what a blessing that, in Scripture, we have more than just a paragraph of the account. In John, for example, (Chapter 11), we read of Martha and Mary, to whom we’ve already been introduced, and the beginning of the Lazarus story – his illness. Then, we are taken through the story – his death, Our Lord’s cryptic response and then his journey to Bethany. And then, after an exchange with Martha, the miracle of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead.

We who live daily with pain, and especially for those facing imminent death, might look upon the story of Lazarus as an example for what Jesus might do for us physically. Cure us. Take away our pain. Even snatch us from the brink of eternal sleep. And, if we are not cured, or our pain is not assuaged, we might ask, “Why, Lord? Why?”

But is that the point of the story? The point of what God’s love means to us?

As a Christian, I believe in the Resurrection. And I believe that God is all-powerful and can cure or do anything at all at any moment.

But I also know that He has put me on a human journey, and only He knows the outcome. It is for me to accept His will and walk, each day, as closely with Him as possible.

Quick fixes, sudden cures, even rising from the dead – these are certainly within God’s power. But as we continue on, and as His will unfolds, the majesty of God’s presence in our lives is truly in all we do and are – the gift of life so precious that we walk in wonder, even if we do not fully understand the “why.”


Blessings for the day,


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