Maureen Pratt Author PicWe have all encountered the wet blanket. The person who seems to revel in stopping our good mood, or our good day, in its tracks. Perhaps the conversation goes something like this:

“The sky is blue! Isn’t it lovely?”

“See those clouds? A big storm is coming.”

“But it’s so gorgeous right now. And the air is so fresh.”

“It won’t last. And the latest report  says the air is full of pollutants. It’s really unhealthful to breathe.”

…and so on – until we start to sway, teeter, maybe even trip into the pit of negativity promulgated by the person bent on throwing chilling, sobering water all over our positive attitude.

I find it difficult sometimes to run counter to all the negative talk that can swirl around me. After all, there are problems in the world, and these do have a certain impact on me, personally. But, really, is being uplifted by a good mood naive? Silly? Childish?


Just as we’re given feelings that can tend to worry and gloom, we’re also given the very powerful feelings of love, delight, joy, and humor. We’re given these feelings to use and enjoy – and to spread God’s light and promise – and they don’t expire with a certain age or disappear in the face of many life challenges.

Chronic pain and illnes bring with them their own negativity, which can be heavy burdens, indeed. Add to that the weight of the world’s problems (or the problems of other individuals), and pretty soon your spirit can be quashed and your own resilience threatened.

We need strong, determined spirits to rise above our pain and live more fully and faithfully. And we need those same strong, determined spirits to stand up against negativity and darkness and say, “Yes, there are problems in the world. But I choose to cultivate light, joy, and faith. I choose to live positively. I choose to live as God wants me to…now and always.”

Blessings for the day,


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