Maureen Pratt Author PicSo, with three major life crises occurring within days of each other, and these having followed on the heels of a major lupus flare and significant medicine changes, I have a totally new perspective on that familiar throw-away line, “Have a great day!”

Right up there with, “Have an awesome day!” and closely related to “Enjoy!”, the underlying sentiment can be, well, like a frustrating splash of cold water. After all, when multiple harsh events have occurred, it’s natural to be skittish, to have an even-slight thought that yet another challenge will come along to add to the heavy load.

Indeed, sometimes, I, or, perhaps you, too, have thought, “Forget ‘great.’ I’ll settle for a calm day, a day when nothing else happens.”

It’s a part of our public culture that we wear the mask of “Have a great day” over the other, less positive emotions that might be below the surface. Much like, “How are you?” “I’m fine. You?” “I’m fine.” It’s almost a rapid-fire protocol before getting to, perhaps, the essence and truth of a conversation.

But, lately, I’ve begun to stand up and wrestle this whole “Have a great day!” phenomenon like never before. Instead of thinking, “If you only knew…” or worrying that the sky will fall as soon as someone invokes the thought of a better time, I’m going to take each “Have a great day!” as permission.

Permission to think positively. Permission to nod and say, “Yes.” Permission to act with assurance that no matter how hard the time up to now has been, there can be greatness, goodness, even awesomeness ahead.

Yes, may you, too, have a great day!


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