Image courtesy of piyato/

I still enjoy the glow from a very good Easter. Good liturgies, good lessons, good weather, good fellowship, good food. Yup, it was all good. And it has truly put a smile in my heart, even two days removed from the holy day itself. Much like a soft and cuddly Easter bunny, this warm joy is a wonderful thing. But, as we all know, the concentration of faith, praise, and joy doesn’t necessarily accompany our lives every moment of every day unfolding after Easter Sunday. Nope.  Easter bunnies rather quickly become everyday rabbits, and joy is challenged by, well, LIFE.

As “life happens,” meaning we face bumps, potholes, or even craters along our Easter Sunday-inspired good mood, we’re bound to come under some stress. Even if you’re housebound, none of us lives in a bubble. Already today, I’ve been faced with a couple of situations that have required me to drop my project at hand and take care of them. These unexpected and unpleasant detours remind me that “the way is not easy,” no matter how much grace and praise I stocked up on over the past weekend. They also give me opportunities to work at protecting the precious gift of peace that grew every more deep along the Triduum. They help me to strengthen and grow while still expressing and appreciating the warmth of the joy that still resides deep within. They also remind me that, Easter joy, as with Easter bunnies, need not lose its power to move hearts just because it exists in the everyday, grown up world.

Although the coming days will be rife with LIFE, that is, responsibilities and trials and potholes, they will also be opportunities to nurture and expand our joy through further Scripture reading, fellowship, and openness to God’s voice and work within our hearts. Thus, making every day  echo with Easter song.

Blessings for the day,



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