God's Politics

Lydia Bean’s post today, Jena is America, is a strong statement — and a truthful one. I’m always fascinated by frequent comments that racism is now much more subtle in America today. Well, one place racism is definitely not subtle is in the criminal justice system. Overt and very stark racial disparities are a matter…

Today, Sept. 20, over 10,000 people will converge on Jena, Louisiana, to call for justice for the “Jena 6.” Thousands more will hold vigils in cities across America. As reported previously on this blog, it all started on Sept. 1, 2006, when a black student at the high school asked an administrator if he could…

This fall, for the fifth year, I’m teaching a course at Harvard. I spent Monday, the first day of the semester, in Cambridge. This year’s course, based at the divinity school, is titled “Faith and Politics: Should They Mix and How?” These undergraduate and graduate students come from the divinity school, but also from other…

For God is a God not of disorder but of peace. – 1 Corinthians 14:33-33

We should never neglect to listen to any discourse that supports piety, virtues, and good behavior, for it is a way by which the salvation of God is manifested…. If you are not only moved to compunction by the conversation, but even converted totally to the Lord, swearing and promising to keep the judgment of…

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Here’s the word from the physical world: On Sept. 10, scientists studying satellite images of the Arctic reported that sea ice covered 4.32 million square kilometers of the north. The old record, set two years before: 5.34 million square kilometers. Mark Serreze, an Arctic specialist at the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre at…

Let them direct to God the works that they do, because human work that is directed to God will shine in the heavens…. For God created human beings and placed other creatures under them so that they might act on other creatures in such a way that God’s good works would not be destroyed. –…

Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, so that you may live and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you. -Deuteronomy 16:20-20

the latest reports on Jena 6, DC voting rights, immigration, Student aid, Iraq, and Iran Sign up to receive our daily news summary via e-mail »

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