I’ve been thinking a lot about “beloved community” lately, rereading the stories of Martin Luther King, John Lewis, and the civil rights movement (where the phrase gained prominence) and reflecting on my own experience in building community over the last 40 years on the west side of Chicago. King became convinced that love, transformative love,…

In the few weeks of the defense authorization debate in the Senate, Republican senators began falling like dominoes—Chuck Hagel (NE), Susan Collins (ME), Richard Lugar (IN), George Voinovich (OH), Pete Domenici (NM), Olympia Snowe (ME), and even John Warner (VA) are looking for a way out, although not all are willing to vote for a…

This story in today’s Washington Post made my day. As a pacifist Mennonite, I can’t count the number of times someone has posed “The Question”: If someone had a gun to your loved one’s head, and you could use lethal violence to save them, what would you do? This scenario that unfolded in a D.C.…

We don’t need another election. We need an exorcism. It is this that leads me from vigil to vigil and I burned with it on the evening of March 16, when I participated in nonviolent civil resistance and was arrested with more than 200 others as part of the Christian Peace Witness for Iraq. I…

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