Last Wednesday, over 40 internally displaced people gathered in a local Mennonite church to reflect on congressional movement regarding U.S. policy toward Colombia. According to the latest U.N. reports, Colombia now contains the second highest number of internally displaced people in the world—more than Iraq, and second only to Sudan. As victims, they are tired…

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook Japan on Monday. The quake caused a leak of radioactive water at the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant—and that should shake the rest of the world. According to a report from the Associated Press (“Japan Quake Causes Nuke Plant Leak, Fire“), the power company that runs the nuclear plant initially announced…

Iraq-Senate, Iraq-military, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, Canada-Colombia, Senate, pverty tour, death penalty stay, divorce, Darfur, Canada-Cree nationhood, Church and sex abuse. + Sign up to receive our daily news summary via e-mail »

We campesinos are used to planting seeds and waiting to see if the seeds bear fruit. We’re used to working on harsh soil. And when our crops don’t grow, we’re used to planting again and again until they take hold. Like us, you must learn to persist. – Elvia Alvarado from “Don’t Be Afraid Gringo:…

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