Silence, for many people, allows the soul to grow and develop in its spiritual dimension. In fact, the more one finds the reality of silence, the more significant it becomes. While this in itself is a danger, the same is true of anything else we touch which has such real value. –Morton T. Kelseyfrom The…

At a press conference announcing Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Jim talked about “welcoming the stranger” and “the least of these.” Watch it: See Jim and others respond to questions about the breadth of the campaign here. You can watch the entire press conference at Faith in Public Life. Jim’s remarks weren’t lost on Lou…

Too often, those of us immersed in Colombia get lost in the sheer magnitude of the horrors of the five-decade-old armed conflict: over 31,000 civilians murdered in just the last 10 years; almost 3 million people driven out of their homes since 1985; more than 1,350 massacres perpetrated between 1994 and 2004; at least 134…

I have often felt that the U.S. has been duped into making Muslims the enemy du jour. It’s clear that the business with the Shah of Iran effected a major change in U.S.-Muslim relations. Before that they were our fierce allies; we even gave weapons and training to Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Then…

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