It’s not fair that we lost the brilliant political wit of Molly Ivins at a time when we need her the most. But, when one of us goes on ahead into the bluebonnet fields of the Lord, the rest of us have to pull on her boots and raise a ruckus … or in this case … pour liberal praise on that unique and quixotic creature: The Texas Baptist.

It seems that deep in the heart of American Right-ocracy a handful of Texas Baptists are taking on Republican governor Rick Perry’s move to get 18 new coal-fired power plants up and polluting the wide Texas sky as quick as possible.

The Baptist General Convention of Texas, largest of the state conventions with more than 2.3 million members, decided in November “that we advocate for sound environmental policies in the public square.” “I do not believe God wants us to continue to pollute and cause the world to degenerate the way it is,” said Mary Darden, a Baptist deacon and president of Keep Waco Green.

Keep Waco Green? God sure has a sense of humor and she’s just getting funnier every day. It reminds me of the old joke about the infamous aridity of West Texas (even before global warming): Texas is so hot and dry that the Baptists have taken to sprinkling instead of baptizing and the Methodists are just wiping em down with a damp cloth.

May God bless the Baptist General Convention of Texas and may the blessed Molly Ivins guide them on their righteous mission.

Rose Marie Berger is an Associate Editor and Poetry Editor for Sojourners magazine.

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