In these days of war and more war, of too many athletes who make the news for drug use or arrests, it’s nice to have a good news story to celebrate. Cal Ripken, Jr. of the Baltimore Orioles and Tony Gwynn of the San Diego Padres were elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame yesterday…

The latest news on minimum wage, Iraq, global warming, baseball, 9/11 legislation, Somalia, Iran, and selct op-eds. Sign up to receive our daily news summary via e-mail » Full news summary: Nice guys don’t always finish last. Cal’s counted in at Cooperstown – “To Ripken, hard-working kid from Aberdeen turned Orioles legend and baseball’s all-time…

Active duty service members are saying no to Bush’s proposed escalation of the war in Iraq. On January 16, to commemorate Martin Luther King day, messages are being delivered to Congress from more than 1,000 active duty and Guard and Reserve service members who are opposed to the war in Iraq and have signed the…

What made the teaching of Jesus different and apparently so hard to accept then as now, was that it required a critical reassessment of the structures and values and attitudes of human society as his listeners and followers shared in it. – Monika K. Hellwigfrom Jesus: The Compassion of God (The Liturgical Press, 1983)+ Sign…

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